As I mentioned in the header for the month and beginning of the year, I would try to explain my choices for the words Gratitude, Grace, and Grit. We covered Grit, now it's time for Grace. To me Grace is being able to walk away from a situation, like not getting a job that you thought you were going to get, without any resentment or ill will towards the person who got the job or the potential employer. Grace is knowing that even though your friend or family member or maybe even a stranger has used words that are hateful, spiteful, and otherwise mean; there is likely an underlying reason for it that is not immediately obvious. You may not know it or see it but maybe that person just lost a loved one, or maybe a job, or maybe they witnessed or were in an accident. Keep in mind that getting that treatment from someone isn't right but understanding that there may be a very valid reason or cause for it would certainly ease the situation. Instead of reacting back to that person in a negative way, try to be understanding and not take it personal. Unless of course you know that the person is and always has been a total jerk then I would say all bets are off. The dictionary defines Grace in several ways but this is the one that most closely matches the useage that I have chosen. "disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency"
As I travel through each month of this new year, I have decided that there are many traits that I would like to adopt or pull out of my seemingly dormant self and practice in my everday life. Grace is a very important attribute to have in dealing with people throughout your life but even more importantly in the current economic sitation. I need to be more patient and more understanding. Sometimes just taking a deep breath and checking to make sure your reaction is not an emotional "knee jerk" is a good start.