Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A busy month and a time to reflect, December 2009

Here we are again, on December 1st. There's shopping to do, Fawn's birthday is this month, Christmas is almost here. It is looking like busy should be the word for Decmber.

Well, I have to say what a year it's been! I had a terrific trip to England and Wales with my good friend Rhonda in March/April, then went to Oahu in June with my son and husband, and then on a cruise to Alaska in August for a week with just my husband. In the midst of all of that I was laid off from my job at the end of May. Having the time off has been huge for me. I completed numerous landscape projects, helped clear out some trees and used the wood chipper to make a great mulch for my gardens, and organized most of the interior of my house. The most signigicant benefit has been not having to stress or worry about going back to work. That alone has resulted in a more rested, relaxed, and contented me. I made homemade jam, started sewing, and started baking and cooking things that I have not attempted in the past. I spent time working out, shopping, making trips to the library, and going out to lunch with friends. I was basically doing all of the things that I normally would only have had time to do on the weekends and even then would have felt rushed. So, while the unemployment dollars are not what I was used to making, the fact is it helps and we're doing ok enough for hubby to tell me that he really doesn't want me to go back to work until after Christmas. And that is ok by me. I do still have to look every week, which I am doing, but since I'm not finding anything it does give me time to do other things. Which will bring me to my next post about how when you have the time, you can find yourself getting wrapped up in unproductive and nearly addictive computer programs. See you on the next post!

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