Being out of work is now getting to be more of an annoyance to me now than a pleasure. While I have accomplished a great many things and will continue to work on projects and goals while I have the time, I am really starting to feel very restless and anxious to get back to work.
I've stepped up my efforts to reconnect with people that I know in the electronics industry and I am applying like to jobs that i find on the internet that I think fall under some or most of my qualifications. I am going to a class at the worksource that talks about skills and abilities and I'm hoping that will help. It certainly couldn't hurt.
This is the longest amount of time that I have ever been out of work. I can only speak for myself but it seems that the longer I am out of work, the more it affects my sense of self worth and being needed. I catch myself getting depressed from time to time then realize that it all comes down to the huge effect that the economic downturn had on the business environment in this state and that if there were more jobs available and not so many people out of work, I would have a job. So, I give myself a swift verbal kick in the ass and change my attitude.
There was a time when I got laid off from a company and immediately there were 3 or 4 companies that wanted to hire me. In other instances I went from one company to a better company with no time in between and without missing a beat. Those days are gone.
Onward and upward on the job search. Keeping a positive outlook and looking forward to finding the right job.
Thanks for the compliment, mom! Hey, if you're going so bonkers at home... come down and visit us more! :-)