Monday, August 22, 2011

Contemplate, Ruminate, and Cogitate on the next step for me

Well I would love to be able to say that this is uncharted territory for me but this is simply a case of deja vu. Only this time it wasn't such a shock. I had anticipated and pretty much planned for the eventuality of the layoff. Now, it still has a psychological and emotional effect, there is no denying that. It's just that it is not nearly as jarring as the big surprise that hit me when I was let go from OutBack. But out of the fire of course rises the Phoenix. Again. I will look a bit harder this time and more diligently but I also think it is time to buckle down and get at least one of my books written. There is no excuse for putting it off this time. It certainly won't be for lack of time and opportunity if it doesn't get done. It will be due to laziness, pure and simple. And since LAZY will not be a factor in my vocabulary for at least the foreseeable future, I should be able to get alot of things done. This week is crazy for us because we are planning for our cruise which departs on Saturday. There are tons of things to get done for that. But after we get back and things begin to settle down for me, I can get much more focused on the projects that I need to do for me. Not for the house, not for the family, but for me. So, writing in my blog is another one of the routines that I am going to try to adopt. There you have it. Good luck to ME!

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