Monday, May 21, 2012

Bienvenido to May

It has been awhile since I've written here. Not that I don't have the time, I'm still not working, and not that I don't spend alot of time on the computer. However, since the weather has been pretty great over the last month or so I have been outside doing some major landscaping projects so putting some thought into my blog has not been one of my priorities. I have many things in the works now. I have the beginnings of 3 books going, with many ideas floating around for more. I have also started another blog on Wordpress for strictly my opinions on television and movies. I'll probably do one for politics and another for just books. Who knows. I am diversifying my voice. This one I think I'll keep for just my day to day thoughts about all things cosmic. If you don't know what I mean by that, then perhaps you don't know me as well as you thought you did eh? Yes, my 52nd birthday has come and gone without much fanfare and I am perfectly happy with that. I am having much success with my weightloss/diet/excercise program and my mental state has become much more positive and uplifted. I think the excercise and infusion of energy has helped to boost the mental endorphins to a more positive level. We'll be painting my office next week and will be hanging the artwork on the walls that we bought last year on our cruise to Alaska. They are from an artist affectionately known as Fanch. His name is Francois Ledon but his Breton' nickname is Fanch. His art is very colorful and it's something that we never in a million years thought that we would like but there you have it, we bought French art from a French artist. Sacrebleu!
So, these are not what we bought but they are similar in color and style. There are three in the set that we bought and they will go up on the wall after we paint. Then we'll put up a few shelves and call it good for now until I get back to work. We will not purchase a day bed or any other furnishings for the office until I get a job and have a steady income. Unemployment is there but it doesn't amount to much. So, we do what we can. Anyhow, that should be enough for now. I will post again soon.

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