Everyone has at various times in their lives, an empty box in their posession. They keep it with them until such time as they decide to let go of something and put it in the box. Most people are afraid to put things in the box. They are afraid to let go. These are old memories, bad memories, fears, and disappointments. They are regrets, remorse, resentment. They are the inabilitiy or refusal to forgive or to forget. They are strong feelings of hatred and anger. They are the kind of thoughts and emotions that get in the way of moving forward with your life. So many people are hindered or even severely handicapped by their inability to put things in the box that their life is essentially on hold. We all run into some of those roadblocks in our daily lives but make quick decisions to move past them. These are the roadblocks that have been with people for very long periods of time.
Now, once these barriers are finally put in the box, they don't disappear altogether. You put the lid on the proverbial box and put it in the place that is reserved for the things in your life that you have accepted, come to terms with, and have otherwise simply learned to deal with and overcome.
During my time of not working for the past 15 months, I have had alot of time for self discovery and personal assessment. I have found that I have things to put in my box. Sometimes when you spend some time digging around in the attic you find things way over in the corner collecting dust that you don't need, you'll never use, and you really don't know why those things are still there but when someone tells you to get rid of it you can't and are adamant about it. And you can't supply a valid reason. What you learn, over time, is that if you root around in that attic long enough, you may yet find a reason, to let it go. Don't keep it stored in the attic, put it in the box and close the lid. And don't look back. You're not going that way.
This was less than a month before my stroke. I have since found a lot of thigs to put in the box.